Digital Competence Framework

In a common elaboration the partners determine after research the content of IO1.

The first one is to draw up a benchmark survey to reveal the differences between the integration of deep tech/ low digital skills in the context of youth work and the needs to reduce the digital gap which exists in the labour market as purported in the 2017 ICT at WORK and 2018 Digital Youth Work. This will match the D(at)YW Competence Framework while analysing the digital skills identified to be used as part of the offered innovative program.

The main aims are:

  • Continuing to investigate into the current scene in all partner countries in relation to the project`s chosen five aspects:

(1) the digital needs of young people and the digital gaps identified in the labour market of each country,

(2) the strategies/policies at the national level in relation to the introduction of high-tech digital skills such as robotics, coding, web design, simulations, media editing, games creation etc. in formal/non-formal learning,

(3) the curriculum provision and practical implementation within formal and non-formal learning

(4) the provision of training opportunities for Youth Workers

(5) the compliance of national policies/practice with EU strategies and initiatives

  • Define benchmarks and indicators for the Digital Competence Framework against which youth’ skills will be monitored, assessed and validated through the Open Badges system to be developed in IO3. The 2017 DigiComp Framework will be used as the basis.

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