Based on the development of the benchmark research to map out the current scene in each of the countries, the development of the D(at)YW Competence Framework with inbuilt benchmarks and indicators for young people\’s learning progress and skills identification, in this Intellectual Output (IO2) the main aims are:
- to design and develop a Dual Educational Pack which will contain:
(1) TEACHING PACKS for each of the selected set of digital skills as identified in IO1 (e.g. teaching guides, on-line learning modules, educational/ informative videos etc. for teaching Coding/Robotics to young people),
(2) YOUTH WORKERS/VOLUNTEERS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE for the acquisition of digital skills (later to be used as a C1 Learning Mobility),
(3) CAREER COUNSELLORS COURSE to inform them about the needs in digital oriented jobs for a better career orientation,
(4) CAMPAIGN for the promotion of the D(at)YW CLUBS with youtube videos, social media spots and posts etc.
- to create the ON-LINE DATA BANK with a wide selection of tools, resources, teaching material, videos, reports, etc. highly useful for the implementation of the D(at)YW HUBS.