Introducing Open Badges
as a method to validate and award the digital skills acquired by both the Youth People and Youth Workers thus achieving transferability, credibility and transparency.
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as a method to validate and award the digital skills acquired by both the Youth People and Youth Workers thus achieving transferability, credibility and transparency.
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IO4 will focus on the production of the \”D(at)YW TOOL KIT\” essential for each organisation for the implementation of the programme in Youth and training, educational centres or other Institutions based on the creation of DIGITAL CLUBS. Aims of IO4:
Based on the development of the benchmark research to map out the current scene in each of the country, the development of the Digital Competence Framework (IO1) and the Leaning Back Pack accompanied with the campaign (IO2), the main aims are: (a) interactivity options through the e-Academy to be set up with learning opportunities i.e.
Based on the development of the benchmark research to map out the current scene in each of the countries, the development of the D(at)YW Competence Framework with inbuilt benchmarks and indicators for young people\’s learning progress and skills identification, in this Intellectual Output (IO2) the main aims are: (1) TEACHING PACKS for each of the
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In a common elaboration the partners determine after research the content of IO1. The first one is to draw up a benchmark survey to reveal the differences between the integration of deep tech/ low digital skills in the context of youth work and the needs to reduce the digital gap which exists in the labour
Digital Competence Framework Read More »