IO4 will focus on the production of the \”D(at)YW TOOL KIT\” essential for each organisation for the implementation of the programme in Youth and training, educational centres or other Institutions based on the creation of DIGITAL CLUBS.

Aims of IO4:

  • to design, develop, produce and pilot-test the TOOL KIT necessary for the implementation of the \”D(at)YW PROGRAMME\” for digital skills acquisition (to include road map, guidelines, templates, good examples, monitoring tools, practical tips, SWOT analysis etc.)
  • to implement the campaign and a petition in support of promoting deep tech skills to young people (as purported in the Digital Action Plan 2018)
  • to promote the creation of the synergies between Youth Workers, Young People, business and ICT experts, enterprises, SMEs, schools, teachers etc. needed for the sustainability and exploitation of the project.

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