Based on the development of the benchmark research to map out the current scene in each of the country, the development of the Digital Competence Framework (IO1) and the Leaning Back Pack accompanied with the campaign (IO2), the main aims are:
- to design the eco-system where the Open Badge system (based on the Competence Framework-IO1) will be developed to identify, recognize, and validate the new digital skills of students.
- to set the levels/quizzes for each of the DIGITAL@YOUTHWORK AWARDS to be gained for each main module.
- to promote the use of an innovative, simple and rational assessment tool for transparency, validation and recognition of the various competences, to be acquired through the synergies between various organisations in an open and digital setting (Erasmus+).
- to initiate the creation of synergies between NGOs, labour market, institutions, schools, stakeholders, authorities etc. for the endorsement and accreditation of the DIGITAL@YOUTHWORK programme and the new digital skills of students.
- to design the dynamic and interactive e-platform to be used for the purposes of the project which will function as an Open Learning Environment, offering the following functions:
(a) interactivity options through the e-Academy to be set up with learning opportunities i.e. KA1 courses
(b) continuous development through the e-Resources Data Bank with useful e-tools and resources to support teachers /volunteers
(c) e-Community for mentoring, peer and expert support, guidance and exchange of good practices.
- to take all technological actions to link the Open Badges eco-system to the platform in terms of taking the quests – challenges, issuing OB and exhibiting OB on VET students and trainers’ profiles.
- -to design an e-Manual with instructions for the use of the platform.