On April 23rd, 2020 the DYW – Upgrading Digital Youth Work consortium met online for its Thirds Transnational Partner Meeting ?, hosted by Treball, estades i formació – Open Europe Reus.
The agenda of the meeting included the following:
➡️ overview of the project timeline under COVID-19 pandemic;
➡️ IO2 check up: new templates, involvement of the external experts, translations etc.;
➡️ development of the online campaign;
➡️ update on the Open Badges and online platform;
➡️ dissemination work;
➡️ reporting and financial issues.
Despite being virtual, the meeting was fruitful and allowed for exchange of ideas for the next working period.
?? Thanks for participation to all partners:
Plattform e.V. & CGE Culture Goes Europe – Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. ?? Emphasys Centre ?? Lancaster & Morecambe College ??Treball, estades i formació – Open Europe Reus ?? European Digital Learning Network ??