Visit to Local Stakeholders in Erfurt: CGE goes ByteSpeicher

On November 20th, 2019 the team of CGE Erfurt e.V. went to give a visit to a local hub for computer and technology admirers, ByteSpeicher. Together with another location, Makerspace, it was initiated by Verein für Technikkultur in Erfurt, and exists at Liebknechtstraße 8, gathering every Wednesday young and old to create, re-pair, re-cycle and up-cycle technical devices; practice new technologies and get digital skills.

Zafar Saydaliev, Marina Bykova and Natalia González from CGE met at ByteSpeicher with the chairman Stephan Jauch to discuss the possible cooperation for the D(at)YW project.

As the topics for modules have been finalised on the second Tractional Meeting in Lancaster, it was high time to start developing the first concepts. In case of CGE the topic is “Digital Manufacturing”, which would incorporate classes on 3D design and printing. With a 3D printer and many young talented, curious members, ByteSpeicher could become a strong Allie in the development of the module. Hence, the visit.

It was not the first time CGE approaches ByteSpeciher. In the previous month, Natalia has visited the place to ask people to fill in the D(at)YW survey for young people and youth workers. One of the interviewee, Max, was also there this time. He told the CGE team about his own experience in 3D printing, showed the work he has recently done on it and promised to give CGE a follow-up visit in the coming weeks.

All in all, the visit to ByteSpeicher was very interesting and gave CGE new inputs for the work on the module.

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