Explore the Digital World

D(at)YW – Upgrading Digital Youth Work is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for innovation and exchange of good practices.
The project pioneers to design a Complete Tool Kit and a Knowledge Pack for developing, implementing and monitoring various inclusive strategies for promoting deep digital skills.
Methodological Approach
(i.e. after school/college, summertime, afternoon) available in a constructive way to set up a deep tech club.
between youth organisations, schools and the business world to bridge the skills-gap between education and the labour market.
as a method to validate and award the digital skills acquired by both young people and youth workers.
between partners for the organisation of competitions, events, C1 mobility, digital movement as part of the EU strategy.
During the first stage the consortium is conducting various surveys to identify the existing digital skills gap between young people’s abilities and the existing requirements of the job market.
The second stage is about designing and developing all essential teaching and learning material to support the promote of deep-tech digital skills through synergies and hubs.
At the third stage a short-term training for youth workers will be organised to test all developed materials.
After testing, the feedback will be incorporated into the designed product and presented again to the wider audience.
During the final phase of the project’s dissemination plan, which includes the completion of the planned activities and the implementation of the D(at)YW for digital literacy, each partner will organise a national conference in their country.
Current Numbers
- All
- IO1
- IO2
- IO3
D(at)YW: e-Learning Platform
D(at)YW: Open Badge on Social Media Marketing
D(at)YW: Open Badge on DevOps, Go-Lang & Raspberry Pi Exploration
D(at)YW: Open Badge on Graphic & Media Design
D(at)YW: Open Badge on C++ Programming Language
D(at)YW: Open Badge on Web Design

May, 2019
Kick-off Meeting in Erfurt, Germany
October, 2019
Transnational Meeting in Lancaster, UK
March, 2020
Transnational Meeting in Reus, Spain
June, 2020
Short-term Joint Staff Training Nicosia, Cyprus
December, 2020
Multiplier Events in Germany, UK, Greece, Spain and Cyprus
December, 2020
Transnational Meeting in Brussels, Belgium
January, 2021
Final Conference in Brussels, Belgium
Acknowledgement of youth work’s key role in acquisition of digital skills of youngsters
If you believe in the value of open non-formal education as a tool for the youngsters’ participation and their empowerment, it is time to take some action.
Sign the PetitionBlog Posts

D(at)YW: e-Learning Platform Testing

D(at)YW Piloting: C++ Programming Language Course

D(at)YW Piloting: Social Media Marketing

D(at)YW Piloting: Graphic & Media Design Course

D(at)YW Piloting: Web Design Course

D(at)YW Piloting: 3D Design & 3D Printing Course
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